CertifiedCoins's 2017 S George Rogers Clark America The Beautiful Quarters : Silver Proof

National Park Quarters

Mintage: 497,711
Minted at: San Francisco

Designer - Engraver: William Cousins
Metal Composition: 90% Silver - 10% Copper

Diameter: 24.3 mm
Mass / Weight: 6.25 grams

What this coin looks like (obverse, reverse, mint mark location, special features, etc.):
2017 S Silver Proof George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Quarter - Indiana

"George Rogers Clark National Historical Park - Indiana"

Coin valuation chart: Typical coin prices, values and worth per grade or condition - in USD
Very Good
Very Fine
Extremely Fine
About Uncirculated

MELT VALUE: $6.2610

(Only listing items in CertifiedCoins's Coinbook below)

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