Harryguss's Morgan Dollars Collection

Early Silver Dollars (1878-1921)

Year Details Mintage G
Owned By Me
1878 P8 Tail Feathers750,000981061081171271503842,3444,6280
1878 P7 Tail Feathers - All Varieties9,759,300---------0
1878 P7 Over 8 Clear Double Tail FeathersN/A5259656977983341,766-0
1878 P7 Tail Feathers - Reverse of 1878 - Parallel Arrow FeatherN/A4752596568801861,0656,3902
1878 P7 Tail Feathers - Reverse of 1879 - Slanted Arrow FeatherN/A4752596577884212,34498,8972
1878 CC 2,212,000206215221223304363558880-1
1878 S 9,744,00047525965656888477-1
1879 P 14,807,100475259656977986594,3741
1879 CCCC Over CC - Capped Die756,0004214495055581,7072,8935,99448,686-0
1879 CCClear CCN/A5055325586091,8203,4056,67326,217-0
1879 O 2,887,0004752596569771502,808-1
1879 SReverse of 18789,110,0001171271361562233129449,367-0
1879 SReverse of 1879N/A525559616569117282-1
1880 PAll Varieties12,601,335---------0
1880 PNormal DateN/A404752596166806094,3741
1880 P80 Over 79N/A656977801272453634,628-0
1880 CCAll Varieties495,000---------0
1880 CCReverse of 1878 - 80 Over 79N/A2452753043343634776862,344-0
1880 CCReverse of 1878 - 8 Over 79N/A2152452753043424216592,344-0
1880 CCReverse of 1879N/A1862152452753123926591,173-0
1880 CCReverse of 1879 - 8 Over High 7N/A2152452753043344216591,820-0
1880 CCReverse of 1879 - 8 Over Low 7N/A2152452753043343926591,820-0
1880 OAll Varieties5,305,000---------0
1880 ONormal DateN/A47525961656920613,450-1
1880 O80 Over 79N/A525965699324533418,038-0
1880 SAll Varieties8,900,000---------0
1880 SNormal DateN/A47525961656980260-1
1880 S80 Over 79N/A444955596980106304-0
1880 S0 Over 9N/A47525965108122186686-0
1881 P 9,163,975475259616569805844,3741
1881 CC 296,0003634044404775325586341,245-0
1881 O 5,708,000475259616569881,222-1
1881 S 12,760,00047525961656980260-1
1882 P 11,101,100475259616569884774,3741
1882 CC 1,133,000150164178193245373449880-0
1882 O 6,090,00047525961656988686-1
1882 OO Over SN/A596577889813633458,484-0
1882 S 9,250,00047525961656988260-1
1883 P 12,291,039475259616569883214,3741
1883 CC 1,204,000136164178205245363462686-0
1883 O 8,725,00047525961656980275-1
1883 S 6,250,000475259611172151,36234,804-1
1884 P 14,070,875475259616569883634,3742
1884 CC 1,136,000136164178205245363462686-0
1884 O 9,730,00047525961656980260-1
1884 S 3,200,000596569771474219,367224,753-1
1885 P 17,787,767475259616569802604,3742
1885 CC 228,0005055325846346867187501,434-0
1885 O 9,185,00047525961656980260-1
1885 S 1,497,00047525965981643632,344-1
1886 P 19,963,886475259616569802604,3741
1886 O 10,710,00047525965801641,362175,422-1
1886 S 750,00088981081271562055322,198-0
1887 P 20,290,710475255596169802604,3742
1887 P7 Over 6N/A596569771271865322,344-0
1887 O 11,550,0004752596165691782,198-1
1887 O7 Over 6N/A5259656915630481538,040-0
1887 S 1,771,0004752596165772231,766-0
1888 P 19,183,833475259616569882824,3742
1888 O 12,150,00047525961656993421-1
1888 ODoubled Die Obverse - Hot LipsN/A1781932212754211,00610,367--0
1888 S 657,0001171271471641932755053,046-0
1889 P 21,726,811475259616569803044,3741
1889 CC 350,0001,0651,2681,5061,7664,0928,72926,219337,659-0
1889 O 11,875,00047525961651504773,046-1
1889 S 700,000657780931081643341,576-0
1890 P 16,802,590475259616569931,1214,3741
1890 CC 2,309,0411561862212453124218803,978-0
1890 CCTail BarN/A2152453924776346861,64411,365-0
1890 O 10,701,0004752596165771171,268-4
1890 S 8,230,3734752596165771221,065-1
1891 P 8,694,2064752555961691272,7224,3751
1891 CC 1,618,0001761932052153214318804,092-0
1891 O 7,954,5294752596165932754,628-1
1891 S 5,296,0004752596165802051,644-1
1892 P 1,037,24552596165801505323,4054,3751
1892 CC 1,352,0003043633924216861,0361,9847,308-0
1892 O 2,744,00052596569931564213,589-0
1892 S 1,200,0001641761862055842,04051,279260,509-0
1893 P 378,7922232452642754336861,5066,3914,3750
1893 CC 677,0006597188801,0362,7223,8675,85792,039-0
1893 O 300,0003043634214776091,2894,628201,758-0
1893 S 100,0004,6285,2635,8576,39111,36525,022216,348678,449-0
1894 P 110,9728158809751,0361,2681,5063,9635,9844,6280
1894 O 1,723,000656977801643341,86847,161-1
1894 S 1,260,0001061221361563046341,1736,391-0
1895 PProof Only880--------61,9970
1895 O 450,0003043343634217501,57615,498269,376-0
1895 S 400,0006867508159121,2682,0415,26318,040-0
1896 P 9,967,762475259616569802754,3751
1896 O 4,900,00047525965731762,001186,879-1
1896 S 5,000,000931171361565058803,16712,855-0
1897 P 2,822,731475259616569803924,3751
1897 O 4,004,00047525961931641,36270,059-1
1897 S 5,825,000475259616569136750-1
1898 P 5,884,735475259616569803044,3751
1898 O 4,440,00047525961656980260-0
1898 S 4,102,00052596569931565322,467-0
1899 P 330,8461641761861932212333341,1214,3750
1899 O 12,290,00047525961656980260-1
1899 S 2,562,000596569771082456342,467-1
1900 P 8,880,938475259616569802604,3751
1900 O 12,590,00047525961656980260-2
1900 OO Over CCN/A1501641761862353125842,561-0
1900 S 3,540,00047525965801644771,506-0
1901 P 6,962,813657780931864214,628376,6664,3751
1901 PDoubled Die ReverseN/A3343633924211,5062,34513,913--0
1901 O 13,320,00047525961656980260-2
1901 S 2,284,000596569771173045843,867-0
1902 P 7,994,7774752596569802055784,3750
1902 O 8,636,00047525961667788275-1
1902 S 1,530,0001361501641862753345052,467-0
1903 P 4,652,7555965697780881174494,3750
1903 O 4,450,0004214494775055585846341,222-0
1903 S 1,241,0001932152452755841,9845,99414,254-0
1904 P 2,788,6504752596580881931,9844,3750
1904 O 3,720,00047525961656980264-1
1904 S 2,304,00077881061273929442,8938,729-0
1921 P 44,690,00047525559616680264-4
1921 D 20,345,00047525559616680584-1
1921 S 21,695,00047525559616680880-2

Modern Anniversary Silver Dollars (2021-Present)

Year Details Mintage G
Owned By Me
2021 P 174,854-------179-1
2021 D 174,715-------207-1
2021 S 174,879-------187-1
2021 PCC Privy Mark173,798-------234-1
2021 PO Privy Mark173,550-------179-1
2023 PUncirculated273,676-------179-1
2023 SProof358,890-------179-1
2023 SReverse Proof248,138-------187-0
2024 PUncirculatedN/A-------179-1
2024 SProofN/A-------179-0
2024 SReverse ProofN/A-------187-0

(Only listing items in Harryguss's Coinbook below)

Collection 81

81 items found

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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: UNC MS 60
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: US Mint
Condition: UNC
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Very Fine+
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: AU
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Extra Fine
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Extra Fine
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: AU
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: AU
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: AU
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: AU
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: UNC
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: UNC
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: UNC
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: UNC
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Fine
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Very Fine
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Very Fine
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Very Fine
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: UNC
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Very Fine
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Fine
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Extra Fine
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: UNC
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Very Good
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Owned By: Harryguss
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified
Condition: Very Good