1796 Draped Bust Dollars : All Varieties

Small Eagle

Mintage: 72,920
Minted at: Philadelphia (No Mint Mark)

Designer - Engraver: Robert Scot
Metal Composition: 89% Silver - 11% Copper

Diameter: 39.5 mm
Mass / Weight: 26.96 grams

What This Coin Looks Like (Obverse, Reverse, Mint Mark Location, Special Features, etc.):
1796 Draped Bust Silver Dollar Varieties - Difference and Comparison
There were a few major varieties of the 1796 Draped Bust Silver Dollar. The varieties can be distinguished by looking at both the size of the numbers in the date and the letters on the reverse of the coin.

There were two varieties regarding the 1796 date and size of the numbers. The small date featured smaller numbers whereas the large date features larger numbers. In particular - The large date features a thicker "1" and the top portion of the "1" is spaced more closely with the top of the "7". The small date features a thinner "1" in which the top of the "1" is space further apart from the top of the "7". The difference between the large date vs small date is depicted above in the example comparison image.

There were two varieties regarding the reverse of the coin and the sizing of the letters in the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". The large letters variety has letters that are very noticeably larger and much closer to the rim of the coin. The small letters variety has much smaller letters and they are also spaced further away from the rim - also making them easily distinguishable from the large letters variety. The difference between the small letters vs large letters varieties is depicted below in the example comparison image:


Major Varieties:
1796 Draped Bust Silver Dollar - Small Date - Small Letters
1796 Draped Bust Silver Dollar - Small Date - Large Letters
1796 Draped Bust Silver Dollar - Large Date - Small Letters

Coin Value Chart: Typical Coin Prices, Values and Worth in USD based on Grade/Condition
Very Good
Very Fine
Extremely Fine
About Uncirculated

MELT VALUE: $25.66

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