Liberty Nickels

How Much Liberty Nickels are Worth: Liberty Nickel Values & Coin Price Chart

Liberty Head "V" Nickel (1883-1913)

Designer - Engraver: Charles E Barber
Metal Composition: 75% Copper - 25% Nickel

Diameter: 21.2 mm
Mass / Weight: 5 grams

Liberty Nickels Liberty Head "V" Nickel US Coin
Year Details Mintage G
For Sale
1883 PNo Cents5,479,5198.459.79111318244259367129
1883 PWith Cents16,032,9832437426710014418224433741
1884 P 11,273,9422437426710015923336733719
1885 P 1,476,4903376519091,2161,4131,9432,4424,1531,4136
1886 P 3,330,2902443234585998411,0081,4892,5717739
1887 P 15,263,652182442598912917123133722
1888 P 10,720,48337487914421325933742833723
1889 P 15,881,361182437679814417121333725
1890 P 16,259,272122430488512919025933712
1891 P 16,834,3508.451430558515119025933722
1892 P 11,699,6427.131224487912917421933718
1893 P 13,370,1957.131224487912917119033722
1894 P 5,413,132184212020227736742851633722
1895 P 9,979,8847.139.7926558914117127733729
1896 P 8,842,9201124427912018223332333728
1897 P 20,428,7354.856.111433598912019033741
1898 P 12,532,0874.856.111433598918223333719
1899 P 26,029,0312.443.549.7924377111017133759
1900 P 27,255,9952.443.549.7918377911017133732
1901 P 26,480,2132.443.546.1118377110015133751
1902 P 31,480,5792.443.544.8518377110015133756
1903 P 28,006,7252.443.544.8518377110115133754
1904 P 21,404,9842.443.544.8518377110115133740
1905 P 29,827,2762.443.544.8518377110115133754
1906 P 38,613,7252.443.544.8518377110115133769
1907 P 39,214,8002.443.544.8518377110115133780
1908 P 22,686,1772.443.544.8518377110115133747
1909 P 11,590,5263.544.856.1122428912017133738
1910 P 30,169,3532.443.544.8518377110115133769
1911 P 39,559,3722.443.544.8518377110115133780
1912 P 26,236,7142.443.544.85183771101151337112
1912 D 8,474,0003.544.851248115219367487-40
1912 S 238,0001591742135441,0401,4891,8372,208-9
1913 P 5--------5,511,7970
How to use this chart US Coin Metal Content Values and Prices

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