Lincoln Wheat Cent

How Much Lincoln Wheat Cent are Worth: Lincoln Wheat Cent Values & Coin Price Chart

Bronze Composite Penny (1909-1958)

Designer - Engraver: Victor D Brenner
Metal Composition: 95% Copper - 5% Tin and Zinc

Diameter: 19 mm
Mass / Weight: 3.11 grams

Lincoln Wheat Cent Small Cents Bronze Composite Penny US Coin
Year Details Mintage G
For Sale
1909 P 72,702,6183.544.856.117.139.7914213090989
1909 S 1,825,000101120141174190275428487-28
1909 PVDB27,995,0007.138.4512141822373714,915138
1909 SVDB484,0008419091,0401,1611,3151,5641,9882,442-6
1909 SS over horizontal SN/A115129151213244337458516-0
1910 P 146,801,2180.600.721.221.844.8512223780784
1910 S 6,045,0001821263767101129174-47
1911 P 101,177,7870.600.841.843.019.7914245980771
1911 D 12,672,0007.139.79153779101129174-61
1911 S 4,026,00037485979101141244428-62
1912 P 68,153,0601.843.014.176.651837425980738
1912 D 10,411,00012151842101141213367-61
1912 S 4,431,0002127305598141220346-37
1913 P 76,532,3521.221.533.544.853042487980758
1913 D 15,804,0003.544.176.11127190141275-58
1913 S 6,101,0001216224279141244367-62
1914 P 75,238,4321.221.532.447.132455799880764
1914 D 1,193,0002022202753377731,7092,6243,554-28
1914 S 4,137,00021303348115182398599-52
1915 P 29,092,1203.014.176.112267851201281,04034
1915 D 22,050,0003.014.859.16184267101151-118
1915 S 4,833,0001824374298151275625-47
1916 P 131,833,6770.600.720.973.54111824423,35375
1916 D 35,956,0001.222.143.547.131842120151-46
1916 S 22,510,0002.142.734.17183779141244-61
1917 P 196,429,7850.600.720.912.446.11182237-72
1917 PDoubled Die ObverseN/A1822023064871,4891,9884,1548,396-1
1917 D 55,120,0001.221.844.176.11597198174-66
1917 S 32,620,0001.221.532.443.011837101202-42
1918 P 288,104,6340.600.720.911.846.11121937-99
1918 D 47,830,0001.221.533.014.85244898182-35
1918 S 34,680,0000.601.222.444.851848101244-55
1919 P 392,021,0000.300.420.481.223.836.111830-107
1919 D 57,154,0001.221.842.444.85124285151-41
1919 S 139,760,0000.600.781.843.017.132471141-111
1920 P 310,165,0000.300.360.541.223.017.132433-101
1920 D 49,280,0001.222.443.546.111848101129-39
1920 S 46,220,0001.222.443.546.111848144220-64
1921 P 39,157,0000.600.911.532.5614306798-44
1921 S 15,264,0002.443.016.118.454890171306-90
1922 D 7,160,000243037425590141306-54
1922 DNo D Mint MarkN/A5446527059091,8374,15410,37418,882-2
1922 DWeak DN/A304259851902444281,216-3
1923 P 74,723,0000.480.600.781.226.11121837-51
1923 S 8,700,0004.856.398.451248110259466-32
1924 P 75,178,0000.300.600.721.227.13123059-29
1924 D 2,520,00037485967151202367705-51
1924 S 11,696,0002.443.014.177.1348101151428-117
1925 P 139,949,0000.300.480.600.723.548.451230-100
1925 D 22,580,0001.221.593.016.11244290151-46
1925 S 26,380,0001.221.843.014.851842141275-84
1926 P 157,088,0000.300.360.480.602.446.111214-85
1926 D 28,020,0001.842.144.179.161842151203-76
1926 S 4,550,000121518245590263599-63
1927 P 144,440,0000.300.360.420.722.446.111218-77
1927 D 27,170,0001.532.143.284.519.163779120-71
1927 S 14,276,0001.842.443.546.112459141213-51
1928 P 134,116,0000.300.360.420.722.446.111218-86
1928 D 31,170,0000.911.222.143.547.13245998-95
1928 S 17,266,0001.221.963.284.511242120151-72
1929 P 185,262,0000.300.360.420.913.546.119.8017-100
1929 D 41,730,0000.601.031.532.738.45183759-84
1929 S 50,148,0000.601.092.082.848.45183037-85
1930 P 157,415,0000.300.360.420.601.533.547.1312-84
1930 D 40,100,0000.300.360.480.663.014.851437-49
1930 S 24,286,0000.300.420.721.532.147.131214-29
1931 P 19,396,0001.221.531.842.444.85112442-60
1931 D 4,480,0008.459.80111218427185-75
1931 S 866,00090101115120151174213244-27
1932 P 9,062,0002.443.
1932 D 10,500,0002.443.013.283.835.51162233-64
1933 P 14,360,0002.443.013.283.548.45162437-55
1933 D 6,200,0006.117.137.709.8018242830-26
1934 P 219,080,0000.
1934 D 28,446,0000.240.300.600.912.739.162426-38
1935 P 245,388,0000.
1935 D 47,000,0000.
1935 S 38,702,0000.180.210.300.602.446.111421-25
1936 P 309,632,0000.180.210.300.601.843.123.546.1154482
1936 PDoubled Die ObverseN/A3348901512444285991,837-5
1936 D 40,620,0000.180.240.360.601.222.443.544.85-33
1936 S 29,130,0000.180.300.480.661.223.546.117.13-24
1937 P 309,170,0000.180.240.360.601.222.443.544.857995
1937 D 50,430,0000.180.240.300.481.223.546.117.13-64
1937 S 34,500,0000.180.240.360.481.223.546.119.80-41
1938 P 156,682,0000.180.240.360.481.222.444.858.457191
1938 D 20,010,0000.240.360.600.971.533.544.858.45-31
1938 S 15,180,0000.480.600.720.911.343.544.857.13-16
1939 P 316,466,0000.
1939 D 15,160,0000.600.720.781.031.533.544.856.11-24
1939 S 52,070,0000.180.240.360.911.223.013.544.85-98
1940 P 586,810,0000.
1940 D 81,390,0000.180.210.300.720.912.443.544.85-28
1940 S 112,940,0000.
1941 P 887,018,0000.
1941 D 128,700,0000.
1941 S 92,360,0000.180.210.360.601.223.544.856.11-31
1942 P 657,796,0000.
1942 D 206,698,0000.
1942 S 85,590,0000.240.300.361.031.536.658.459.80-28

Steel Composite Penny (1943)

Designer - Engraver: Victor D Brenner
Metal Composition: Steel Coated Zinc

Diameter: 19 mm
Mass / Weight: 2.7 grams

Lincoln Wheat Cent Small Cents Steel Composite Penny US Coin
Year Details Mintage G
For Sale
1943 PSteel Cent684,628,6700.180.240.360.420.480.603.019.80-206
1943 PBronze/Copper20----151,444235,431428,634--0
1943 DSteel Cent217,660,0000.240.360.420.480.600.913.5412-107
1943 DSteel Cent - Boldy Doubled MintmarkN/A1830485971851201,216-0
1943 DBronze/Copper1----472,330795,395950,4242,414,612-0
1943 SSteel Cent191,550,0000.300.360.480.780.911.227.1324-61
1943 SBronze/Copper5----264,094459,487621,691--0

Bronze Composite Penny (1909-1958)

Designer - Engraver: Victor D Brenner
Metal Composition: 95% Copper - 5% Tin and Zinc

Diameter: 19 mm
Mass / Weight: 3.11 grams

Lincoln Wheat Cent Small Cents Bronze Composite Penny US Coin
Year Details Mintage G
For Sale
1944 P 1,435,400,000--
1944 PSteel Cent30----30,25736,44761,254--2
1944 D 430,578,000--
1944 DD Over SN/A598598120213283544841-2
1944 DSteel Cent7----36,44748,89364,930--0
1944 S 282,760,000--
1944 SSteel Cent2----428,636591,326795,3991,191,536-0
1945 P 1,040,515,000--
1945 D 266,268,000--
1945 S 181,770,000--
1946 P 991,655,000--
1946 D 315,690,000--
1946 S 198,100,000--
1946 SS Over DN/A1218304290151275487-1
1947 P 190,555,000--
1947 D 194,750,000--
1947 S 99,000,000--
1948 P 317,570,000--
1948 D 172,637,500--
1948 S 81,735,000--
1949 P 217,775,000--
1949 D 153,132,500--
1949 S 64,290,0000.
1950 P 272,635,000--
1950 D 334,950,000--
1950 S 118,505,000--
1951 P 284,576,000--
1951 D 625,355,000--
1951 S 136,010,0000.
1952 P 186,775,000--
1952 D 746,130,000--
1952 S 137,800,004--
1953 P 257,000,000--
1953 D 701,000,000--
1953 S 182,000,000--
1954 P 72,000,0000.
1954 D 252,000,000--
1954 S 96,000,000--
1955 P 330,958,200--
1955 PDoubled-Die ObverseN/A7731,0411,2161,4891,6381,8375,50118,295-7
1955 D 563,257,500--
1955 S 44,610,000--
1956 P 420,745,000--
1956 D 1,098,201,100--
1956 DD Above Shadow DN/A3.546.128.451230374290-0
1957 P 282,540,000--
1957 D 1,051,342,000--
1958 P 252,525,000--
1958 PDoubled-Die Obverse3------144,249235,450-0
1958 D 800,953,300--
How to use this chart US Coin Metal Content Values and Prices

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