USA Coin Book has compiled a list of the all-time, rarest and most valuable US coins ever known. We are using our database of nearly every US coin ever produced (6,000+ coins) based on year, rarity, mint mark, major varieties, errors and their associated price values to come up with a list of the top most valuable coins known. Our most valuable coins list includes coins starting in 1793 up to the present (2025). This list and the prices are current as of 2025. Estimated coin prices and values in our database are updated twice per year.
The purpose of this page is to provide coin valuation data to collectors, investors, the media, and anyone interested learning what the most valuable coins are and how rare these coins are. Visitors can click on the links in the list below to view larger images of both sides of the coins (mint mark locations, error/variety diagnosis, etc), detailed pricing data for various conditions/grades of the coins, mintage figures, metal composition, history and other encyclopedic information regarding each individual coin.
More sub-lists of most valuable US coins: