19491909's Feedback Ratings History
A nice item at a reasonable price that was promptly shipped and received. Thank you.
A nice item at a reasonable price. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank you.
Given To: ctcoinandcurrency ( 3793 ) - April 30 2023 - 03:42 PM CDT
A nice item at a reasonable price. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank you.
A nice item at a reasonable price. Item was promptly shipped and received. Thank you.
A nice coin at a very reasonable price. Seller is highly recommended.
A nice coin at a very reasonable price. Seller is highly recommended. Thank you.
A nice item at a very reasonable price. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank you.
Given To: ctcoinandcurrency ( 3793 ) - March 16 2023 - 03:42 PM CDT
Another great purchase from this Seller. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Seller is highly recommended. Thank you.
Given To: ctcoinandcurrency ( 3793 ) - March 15 2023 - 07:26 PM CDT
A nice coin for a reasonable price. Coin was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank you.
Given To: ctcoinandcurrency ( 3793 ) - March 14 2023 - 05:53 PM CDT
Seller has a good selection of coins for a reasonable price. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank you.
Given To: ctcoinandcurrency ( 3793 ) - March 14 2023 - 02:04 PM CDT
A very nice coin. Coin was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Seller is highly recommended. Thank you.
A very nice coin at a reasonable price. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Seller is highly recommended. Thank you.
Given To: Nashuacoins ( 409 ) - March 8 2023 - 03:07 PM CST
A nice looking coin at a reasonable price. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank you.
Reply by Nashuacoins: Great Buyer!!
Given To: Nashuacoins ( 409 ) - March 6 2023 - 08:00 PM CST
A nice item that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Seller is highly recommended. Thank you.
Reply by Nashuacoins: Great Buyer!!
Item was priced reasonably. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank you.
Given To: ctcoinandcurrency ( 3793 ) - March 1 2023 - 11:48 AM CST
A nice item at a reasonable price. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice coin at a reasonable price. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: SmithsCoins ( 1900 ) - February 25 2023 - 08:08 PM CST
Very satisfied with the coin. Coin was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: atchisonbj ( 9733 ) - July 2 2022 - 06:29 PM CDT
A nice item at a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: atchisonbj ( 9733 ) - July 2 2022 - 06:29 PM CDT
A nice item at a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: atchisonbj ( 9733 ) - July 2 2022 - 06:29 PM CDT
A nice item at a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: atchisonbj ( 9733 ) - July 2 2022 - 06:29 PM CDT
A nice item at a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: DARTHVILE1 ( 462 ) - June 23 2022 - 03:49 PM CDT
A nice item at a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: johnsonp11 ( 254 ) - June 23 2022 - 01:54 PM CDT
A nice item that was reasonably priced, well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: johnsonp11 ( 254 ) - June 23 2022 - 01:54 PM CDT
A nice item that was reasonably priced, well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: johnsonp11 ( 254 ) - June 23 2022 - 01:54 PM CDT
A nice item that was reasonably priced, well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: johnsonp11 ( 254 ) - June 23 2022 - 01:54 PM CDT
A nice item that was reasonably priced, well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item at a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item at a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item at a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A very nice item that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item at a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item at a reasonable price. Thank You.
A nice item that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Very nice item that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item at a very reasonable price. Thank you.
Given To: fiveocoinco ( 4203 ) - June 1 2022 - 12:18 PM CDT
A nice item that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Reply by fiveocoinco: Thanks,
Given To: DARTHVILE1 ( 462 ) - May 13 2022 - 12:47 PM CDT
A nice item that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A very nice coin that was reasonably priced, well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item for a reasonable price that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item that was reasonably price, well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item that was reasonably priced, well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item that was reasonably price, well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Great seller. Thank You.
A nice item that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Seller is highly recommended. Thank You.
A nice item that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A very nice item that was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Based on the item condition, coin was reasonably price. Seller is highly recommended. Thank You.
Given To: SmithsCoins ( 1900 ) - April 3 2022 - 05:27 PM CDT
A nice coin at a reasonable price. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
Given To: historyinyourhandz ( 592 ) - April 2 2022 - 03:20 PM CDT
Items were well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Price was very reasonable. Also, the extra coin (free gift) was nice. Thank You.
Given To: historyinyourhandz ( 592 ) - April 2 2022 - 03:20 PM CDT
Items were well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Price was very reasonable. Also, the extra coin (free gift) was nice. Thank You.
Great look coin that was reasonably priced. Item was well packaged, promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A very nice coin that was reasonably price, well packaged, promptly shipped and delivered. Thank You.
Given To: ToughCOINS ( 264 ) - June 1 2019 - 10:54 PM CDT
Sorry for the late feedback. Coin a Father's Day Gift. A very nice item, well packaged and promptly shipped. Thank You.
Reply by ToughCOINS: We're happy to have the feedback, and are glad to know the coin pleased your father. ToughCOINS offers gift certificates redeemable for merchandise offered on any venue, if that option would help with other times of the year. Thank you for your patronage . . . Mike at ToughCOINS.com
Sorry for the late feedback. A very nice item, well packaged and promptly shipped. Thank You.
Given To: ctcoinandcurrency ( 3793 ) - March 28 2019 - 02:04 PM CDT
A very nice item and promptly shipped and received. Thank You.
A nice item and well packaged when shipped. Thank You.
Nice looking coin, well packaged and prompt shipping. Seller highly recommended. Thank You.
Great looking copy and very prompt shipping. Thank You.
Nice coin at a reasonable price. Very prompt shipping. Seller highly recommended. Thank You.
Great looking coin at a reasonable price. Very prompt shipping too. Thank You.
Great looking coin at a very reasonable price. Seller highly recommended. Thank You.
Given To: paladincoins ( 2983 ) - March 19 2019 - 07:16 PM CDT
Nice looking coin, well packaged and prompt shipping. Seller highly recommended. Thank You.