peeweesfriend's Feedback Ratings History
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - February 22 2018 - 07:10 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: RareJewelCoins ( 1674 ) - February 22 2018 - 07:05 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Reply by kenb63: I appreciate your business. Please come back again. Thanks
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - February 22 2018 - 06:47 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: QualityCoins1 ( 4094 ) - February 22 2018 - 06:36 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - February 22 2018 - 06:21 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - February 22 2018 - 06:12 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - February 11 2018 - 09:30 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: alpinemtn097 ( 2109 ) - November 26 2017 - 12:16 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: alpinemtn097 ( 2109 ) - November 26 2017 - 12:16 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: alpinemtn097 ( 2109 ) - November 26 2017 - 12:16 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: alpinemtn097 ( 2109 ) - November 26 2017 - 12:16 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: bejemcoins ( 1103 ) - November 3 2017 - 11:09 PM CDT
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - October 8 2017 - 10:32 PM CDT
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
very nice thanks..........peeweesfriend
100% thank you..........peeweesfriend
Reply by cap391: Thanks!
Given To: TXcoinsales ( 833 ) - September 24 2017 - 12:19 AM CDT
100% another penny closer thanks.......peeweesfriend
Reply by TXcoinsales: A pleasure doing business with you. Hope we can do more business in the future.
100% great token thanks.......peeweesfriend
100% lot of coins thanks..........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - September 23 2017 - 11:56 PM CDT
100% thanks ........peeweesfriend
100% very quick return, thanks.........peeweesfriend
Given To: TXcoinsales ( 833 ) - September 16 2017 - 03:48 PM CDT
100% great looking coin thanks.........peeweesfriend
Reply by TXcoinsales: A pleasure doing business with you. Hope we can do more business in the future.
100% great coin, can`t figure out the error. Oh well , thanks anyways .....peeweesfriend
Reply by fepcoins: Thanks again! Excellent buyer!!!!
Given To: coinfinder ( 722 ) - September 6 2017 - 08:51 PM CDT
100% sorry it took so long to answer., shame on me.........peeweesfriend
100% good quality coin, thanks........peeweesfriend
100% thank you. very small but nice..........peeweesfriend
100% thank you. very small but nice..........peeweesfriend
100% thank you. very small but nice..........peeweesfriend
100% nice coin , everythings in great shape......peeweesfriend
100% nice coin , everythings in great shape......peeweesfriend
Given To: 500dewbear ( 840 ) - August 11 2017 - 11:07 PM CDT
no coin yet.......peeweesfriend
Reply by 500dewbear: Purchased on Saturday 8/12; label created the same day. Mailed Monday 8/14 @ 8:45 am; delivered @12:56 pm on Wednesday 8/16/17. 9400109699937825249185 Tracking for all the world to verify. What's your problem?!
100% very good shape thanks ............peeweesfriend
Given To: madpenguin ( 42 ) - August 9 2017 - 11:46 PM CDT
100% didn`t know these existed thanks......peeweesfriend
Reply by madpenguin: hope you enjoy
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - August 9 2017 - 11:45 PM CDT
100% really a nice coin thank you.........peeweesfriend
100% nice coin,thanks..........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - July 23 2017 - 02:30 PM CDT
100% as always.Thank you..........peeweesfriend
Given To: RareJewelCoins ( 1674 ) - July 19 2017 - 05:56 PM CDT
100% nice crisp coin thanks ................peeweesfriend
Given To: RareJewelCoins ( 1674 ) - July 19 2017 - 05:25 PM CDT
100% it`s kind of a little guy thanks.......peeweesfriend
Given To: RareJewelCoins ( 1674 ) - July 19 2017 - 05:16 PM CDT
100% that V on the coin looks like something I`ve seen before thanks for a classic coin ........peeweesfriend
100% I`m a sucker for these error coins, thanks ..............peewees friend
Reply by fepcoins: Thank you again for your purchases! Appreciate your feedback!!! It was my pleasure doing business with you. If you purchase any error coins in the future and are not happy please let me know so that I can resolve the issue. Have many error coins I still need to list. Thanks again...GREAT BUYER!!!!
100% got it yesterday very nice...........peeweesfriend
100% great group of coins,thanks ..........peeweesfriend
100% thought I left feedback already sorry..........peeweesfriend
Reply by fepcoins: Thank you!
100% thanks I love error coins,thanks........peeweesfriend
Given To: Flintlockjames ( 915 ) - June 22 2017 - 06:12 PM CDT
100% thought i left feedback before,,,sorry........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - June 15 2017 - 12:42 PM CDT
100%sorry about the slow response, medical problems.great coin,peeweesfriend
Given To: OldCoinsNeedNewHome ( 1004 ) - June 14 2017 - 04:07 PM CDT
the condition of these coins is great.100 % thanks peeweesfriend
as always great coin,100%thanks ....peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - May 16 2017 - 07:27 PM CDT
100% great coin thanks ........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - May 16 2017 - 06:55 PM CDT
100% great coin thanks .........peeweesfriend
100% great coin great service..........peeweesfriend
100% sorry . the coin got lost in the mess here,It did arrive in a timely manner.Thanks peeweesfriend
thank you, it`s what you promised.......peeweesfriend...............100%
100% as always,thanks again.............peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - March 31 2017 - 11:32 AM CDT
100% as always, thanks.............peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - March 31 2017 - 11:32 AM CDT
100% as always, thanks.............peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - March 29 2017 - 05:10 PM CDT
100 % as always, thanks ..............peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - March 29 2017 - 04:54 PM CDT
100% always satisfied,every time thanks..........peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - March 29 2017 - 04:50 PM CDT
100% always, thanks......peeweesfriend
Given To: SilverWillie ( 301 ) - March 28 2017 - 09:08 AM CDT
100% thanks...........peeweesfriend
Given To: fiveocoinco ( 4267 ) - March 24 2017 - 02:08 PM CDT
100% always. thanks again for some really good coins.......peeweesfriend
100% nice enough for an older type folder. If you have anymore earlier wheat pennies (s) please let me know.....peeweesfriend
Reply by kenb63: Thank you for your purchase. Hope to do more business in the future. Check my listings for more Lincoln cents.
100% a good enough coin for an older type folder (1952) ..........peeweesfriend
Given To: alpinemtn097 ( 2109 ) - March 12 2017 - 01:12 PM CDT
100%,nice coin,thanks.........peeweesfriend
Given To: alpinemtn097 ( 2109 ) - March 12 2017 - 01:02 PM CDT
100% nice coin,thanks...........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - March 12 2017 - 11:50 AM CDT
100% nice coin,thanks.........peeweesfriend
100% nice coins,thanks ...........peeweesfriend
100% nice coin, thanks............peeweesfriend
100% nice coin, thanks............peeweesfriend
100% as always nice coin,thanks........peeweesfriend
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - February 15 2017 - 03:42 PM CST
100% ,another great piece of America,Thanks ..........peeweesfriend
100% as always, thanks again peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - February 15 2017 - 03:26 PM CST
Smaller than I thought,but it`s still what you said I wish they would mark the coin holders so it would show marks to give every one an idea of the size of the coin.I once got an Austrailan penny that was the biggest penny that I`ve ever scene. Don`t get the wrong idea,I`m very happy with the coin, Thanks peewees friend
Given To: numismaticsource ( 2089 ) - February 13 2017 - 12:26 PM CST
!00% good looking coin, thanks..........peeweesfriend
Reply by numismaticsource: Thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated.
100% nice coin,thanks.........peeweesfriend
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - February 8 2017 - 04:46 PM CST
100% thanks........peeweesfriend
100% nice ,thanks...........peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - February 5 2017 - 08:44 PM CST
100% nice thanks........peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - February 5 2017 - 08:41 PM CST
100% another nice coin,thanks.......peeweesfriend
100% thanks again for another nice coin..............peeweesfriend
100% very interesting. Thank you.............peeweesfriend
Reply by nhungminh: Great buyer. Hope to deal with you again. Thank you
Too ruff to be a collectible coin. sorry
Reply by bobscoins: Would have been nice to hear from you before you left negative feedback. Plus, you can always return anything you're not happy with.
100% good looking coin,thanks..........peeweesfriend
Given To: 13902coins ( 1105 ) - January 23 2017 - 11:42 PM CST
I gottem thanks peeweefriend..
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - January 23 2017 - 11:33 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - January 17 2017 - 11:20 PM CST
100% nice coin Thank you...........peeweesfriend
100% , nice coin ,Thanks,,,,,,,peeweesfriend
Given To: funkynickelcoins ( 1452 ) - January 17 2017 - 10:55 PM CST
100% nice old dirty coin ,thanks...........peeweesfriend
100% nice blank. thanks.........peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - January 8 2017 - 02:23 AM CST
100% very nice,thank you........peeweesfriend
got the coin today Ed,thank you...........peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - January 8 2017 - 02:05 AM CST
Got the coin today 100% thanks.........peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - January 8 2017 - 01:46 AM CST
nice coin,thanks...........peeweesfriend
Given To: upnorthcoins ( 1413 ) - January 8 2017 - 01:42 AM CST
5 nice coin doesn`t look cleaned, thanks.........peeweesfriend
Given To: kapusta2012 ( 399 ) - January 8 2017 - 01:36 AM CST
100% I like how small is for a $5 dollar coin,thanks......peeweesfriend
Given To: DesertCoins ( 4348 ) - December 24 2016 - 01:26 AM CST
a much better coin than the last one I bought . You sent me a good one. A very good price also. Thank you.........peeweesfriend.
100% as usual thanks..........peeweesfriend
Given To: coinfinder ( 722 ) - December 24 2016 - 01:02 AM CST
really a nice coin thank you...........peeweesfriend
100% very nice coins thank you......peeweesfriend.
Nice coiin ,for an odd ball , thanks much..............peeweesfriend
100% really a nice coin............peeweesfriend
Don`t need the coin any more,sorry.You still get a 100% , from other business I`ve done with you before......peeweesfriend
Given To: MsLeslie49 ( 251 ) - November 26 2016 - 12:28 AM CST
100% thanks for the great coin......peeweesfriend
thanks for the great coins 100% as always......peeweesfriend
100% nice coin. Thanks again.....peeweesfriend
Very nice coin 100% Thanks........Peeweesfriend
100% happy with the coin ,Thanks .......peeweesfriiend
Given To: MsLeslie49 ( 251 ) - November 17 2016 - 10:15 AM CST
100% nice coin,fair price, ThankYou............peeweesfriend
Given To: MsLeslie49 ( 251 ) - November 17 2016 - 10:04 AM CST
100% Thanks again............peeweesfriend
100%, much better than what I have...........thank you.........peeweesfriend
Reply by kenb63: Thank you for your purchase. Hope to do more business in the future.
100% great coin-as always thank you..........peeweesfriend
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - November 5 2016 - 07:43 PM CDT
100% great coin and thank you for the extra..........peeweesfriend
100% the coin looks better than the photo,thank you...........peeweesfriend
the coin looks better than the photo, thank you......peeweesfriend
Nice coin ,thank you........peeweesfriend
Given To: MsLeslie49 ( 251 ) - November 4 2016 - 01:25 PM CDT
100% coin looks better than the picture,thank you........peeweesfriend
nice coin,thank you peeweesfriend...........
100% great coin thank you..........peeweesfriend
Given To: upnorthcoins ( 1413 ) - October 29 2016 - 01:09 PM CDT
Marco, Got the coin today, Thanks 100% I found trout fishing down here better than up North.But any place is better than when I grew up in Illinois.Good luck Ice fishing this year.............peeweesfriend
Given To: MsLeslie49 ( 251 ) - October 24 2016 - 08:35 PM CDT
100% great coin thanks.............peeweesfriend
Great paper!Thanks 100% as always............peeweesfriend
Great coin,Thanks! 100% ..............peeweesfriend
Great coin,somehow missed the feedback which is 100% always......peeweesfriend
100% NICE CLEAN COIN,THANKS.............peeweesfriend
Given To: beegbearbooks ( 80 ) - September 26 2016 - 07:49 PM CDT
100% nice coin my favorite president................peeweesfriend
100% nice coin,thank you..........peeweesfriend
100%, nice book for a young beginner, Thanks..........peeweesfriend
Reply by kenb63: Thanks for your purchase and a pleasure to do business with.
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - September 20 2016 - 08:21 PM CDT
Got the coin,thanksfor the nice packageing . 100%..............peeweesfriend
Given To: MsLeslie49 ( 251 ) - September 20 2016 - 08:09 PM CDT
Got the coin,thanks. 100% ....... peeweesfriend
Given To: parroro1628 ( 1049 ) - September 20 2016 - 07:42 PM CDT
100% nice coin thanks........peeweesfriend
!00% nice coin . Needed it for a birth year project Thanks...........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - September 17 2016 - 10:29 AM CDT
Great coin! Thanks 100%.......peeweesfriend
Hi,got the coins,thanks. they were very well packaged.100% peeweesfriend
Given To: treazurefinder ( 93 ) - June 16 2016 - 09:26 PM CDT
100% great coins,thanks......peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - June 16 2016 - 09:01 PM CDT
100% thanks.............peeweesfriend
Phil, thanks for the nice peso, 100 %............peeweesfriend
got the coin ,very nice.........peeweesfriend 100% ok
got the coin,very nice 100% satisfied ...........peeweesfriend
Reply by pchuck: It was my pleasure & thank you
well i got what I wanted, looks good. 100% thanks ...........peeweesfriend
nice coin 100% as always, thanks.........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - April 23 2016 - 12:03 AM CDT
Wow, that`s a big penny. Thanks..........peeweesfriend 100%
Given To: reksplace36 ( 240 ) - April 15 2016 - 10:35 PM CDT
Got the coin,it looks great. It's kind of a bucket list thing, about 50 years in the making. Thanks........peeweesfriend. 100%
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - April 11 2016 - 08:49 PM CDT
got the coin,nice smaller but nicer than I thought .100% thanks.......peeweesfriend
Given To: southkansas ( 3530 ) - April 11 2016 - 08:45 PM CDT
Nice coin 100% . Thanks..........peeweesfriend
100% I really like error coins, Thanks..........peeweesfriend
got the paper money,thanks..............peeweesfriend
got the 2 notes and the bonus, thanks...............peeweesfriend
got the note,thanks...........peeweesfriend
got the note,thanks...........peeweesfriend
I`d swear that I all ready left a thank you for this note, so here`s another...........peeweesfriend
this is another one that I sent,so thanks again..........peeweesfriend
The computer sezes I didn`t send you feed back,I thought I did,well thanks again......peeweesfriend
Given To: bejemcoins ( 1103 ) - March 17 2016 - 01:45 PM CDT
great looking coin, nicer than I thought it would be. 100% ...........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - March 12 2016 - 12:40 PM CST
very nice good looking coin 100%............peeweesfriend
Got the coin, looks great,Thanks...........peeweesfriend. I thought I sent your feedback the other day,but I didn`t hit the the feedback button,sorry.
Given To: SmithsCoins ( 1925 ) - February 22 2016 - 02:38 PM CST
!00% The coin is really great! Still looking for a 1909 s vdb and a 1914 d .Probably wont have the money until the middle of next month. Let me know if you can help.Thanks..........peeweesfriend
Reply by SmithsCoins: We should have both of those in our online
Given To: CoinageUSA ( 246 ) - February 20 2016 - 03:07 AM CST
Nice coin,100% Thanks................peeweesfriend
Reply by CoinageUSA: Thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated.
Given To: CoinageUSA ( 246 ) - February 20 2016 - 03:02 AM CST
Another nice coin,100% Thanks..........peeweesfriend
Reply by CoinageUSA: Thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated.
Got the 55, thank you. It looks great.100% .............peeweesfriend
Nice coin,thank you.100%............peeeweesfriend
Given To: CoinageUSA ( 246 ) - February 14 2016 - 08:08 PM CST
Got the coins ,very nice. 100% thank............peeweesfriend
Reply by CoinageUSA: Thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated.
Given To: CoinageUSA ( 246 ) - February 14 2016 - 08:06 PM CST
Got the coins. Nice ,what's your policy on multiple coin purchases?
Reply by CoinageUSA: Thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated.
Given To: atchisonbj ( 10079 ) - February 12 2016 - 12:31 PM CST
100% Great looking coin,thanks..........peeweesfriend
Hi ken,got the coin.Thought it would be bigger,oh well it still is a good a great coin Thanks ...........peeweesfriend
Given To: CoinsYouNeed ( 147 ) - February 10 2016 - 03:49 PM CST
Got the book. Thanks,100%.........peeweesfriend
Thought I left you your 100% feedback , thanks........peeweesfriend
Got the coin and bonus one !00% Thanks..........peeweesfriend
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - January 21 2016 - 03:18 PM CST
Got the coin 100% Thanks.............peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - January 19 2016 - 06:32 PM CST
Got the coin 100% It looks better than the photo. Thanks..........peeweesfriend
100% as always Nice coin. Thanks ..........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - January 19 2016 - 06:18 PM CST
100% Great coin ,wish I was there. Thanks......peeweesfriend
Hi Phil, Got the coin today. Looks great. 100% Do you know Al.My uncle use to run a USAC car a long time ago No. 43 Not the NASCAR 43 that`s Petty.Thanks again...............peeweesfriend
Hi,got the 1980 mint set . 100%, still waiting for the 1988 Thanks again.......peeweesfriend
Hi Phil, got the 88 mint set today, it looks great.100%. thanks...........peeweesfriend
Hi, got the coin, it`s great! Thanks again.................peeweesfriend
Hi Ken, got the coin ,very nice,thanks . I`m still looking for average coins from all over the world during ww2. right now I`m looking for occupied countrys and the south pacific ...............peeweesfriend
Given To: reksplace36 ( 240 ) - December 26 2015 - 11:13 PM CST
Got the bike coin today.It looks great, thanks............peeweefriend
Hi Ed, got the tombac.Any coin with a story like that is a small treasure. 100% Thanks......peeweesfriend.
Given To: bejemcoins ( 1103 ) - December 23 2015 - 07:52 PM CST
Got the 31 s today. Only have 3 to go.Thanks much...............peeweesfriend !00%
Hi Ed,I got the note.It looks smaller than Monopoly money. Thanks ...........peeweesfriend