ChillyWilly's Feedback Ratings History

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Member Since: May 11 2014 09:16 AM CDT
Last Login Activity: Aug 15 2014 11:08 AM CDT

Positive 34As Buyer 34Given to Others 34
Given To: WWSimms ( 66 ) - July 20 2014 - 03:05 PM CDT
nice coin
Given To: cointiques205 ( 30 ) - July 14 2014 - 07:57 AM CDT
A beautiful unc 1943 penny. Thank you,
Given To: reved ( 446 ) - June 27 2014 - 09:36 PM CDT
Nice coin. Thanks alot.
Given To: reved ( 446 ) - June 18 2014 - 11:58 PM CDT
Very nice coin. Thank you. Fast delivery.
Given To: juniors51 ( 152 ) - May 11 2014 - 12:03 PM CDT
Thanks Juniors for the coins. These are my first orders. You guys at coin book made it easy. I'm working on penny and nickels, so I'll be checking back again. Thanks again.
Given To: badbeat ( 4229 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:57 AM CDT
Thank you for your help!!

Reply by badbeat: Nice working with you Jim. Good luck with your collection. Talk to you soon and often. Best regards, Dave
Given To: badbeat ( 4229 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:57 AM CDT
Nice coin. Thank you, and thanks for the help.

Reply by badbeat: Enjoy the coin Jim, hopes it fit's nicely in your Grandson's collection. Keep me posted, best regards Dave
Given To: badbeat ( 4229 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:57 AM CDT
Thank you. The coin is wonderful. Thanks for your help

Reply by badbeat: Thanks Jim, the coin will fit the space in you Grandson's collection. Enjoy Dave, Badbeat Coins LLC
Given To: rcputnam53 ( 667 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:56 AM CDT
Thanks for the coins. they'll help fill my empty spots.

Reply by rcputnam53: Glad to be of help!
Given To: rcputnam53 ( 667 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:56 AM CDT
Thanks for the coins. they'll help fill my empty spots.
Given To: rcputnam53 ( 667 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:56 AM CDT
Thanks for the coins. they'll help fill my empty spots.
Given To: rcputnam53 ( 667 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:56 AM CDT
Thanks for the coins. they'll help fill my empty spots.
Given To: rcputnam53 ( 667 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:56 AM CDT
Thanks for the coins. they'll help fill my empty spots.
Given To: rcputnam53 ( 667 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:56 AM CDT
Thanks for the coins. they'll help fill my empty spots.
Given To: rcputnam53 ( 667 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:56 AM CDT
Thanks for the coins. they'll help fill my empty spots.
Given To: Bruce ( 9147 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:54 AM CDT
Very quick delivery. I'm getting spoiled. Thanks for helping me fill some gaps. You guys (gals) have been great.
Given To: Bruce ( 9147 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:54 AM CDT
Very quick delivery. I'm getting spoiled. Thanks for helping me fill some gaps. You guys (gals) have been great.
Given To: Bruce ( 9147 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:54 AM CDT
Very quick delivery. I'm getting spoiled. Thanks for helping me fill some gaps. You guys (gals) have been great.
Given To: Bruce ( 9147 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:54 AM CDT
Very quick delivery. I'm getting spoiled. Thanks for helping me fill some gaps. You guys (gals) have been great.
Given To: Bruce ( 9147 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:54 AM CDT
Very quick delivery. I'm getting spoiled. Thanks for helping me fill some gaps. You guys (gals) have been great.
Given To: Mike ( 345 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:53 AM CDT
Very nice coin. Thanks
Given To: Mike ( 345 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:53 AM CDT
Thanks Mike for the great coins and the fast delivery. This is the first time I've ordered from coin book. Everyone has been helpful. Thanks.
Given To: Mike ( 345 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:53 AM CDT
Thanks Mike for the great coins and the fast delivery. This is the first time I've ordered from coin book. Everyone has been helpful. Thanks.
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:51 AM CDT
Hey, thanks for the great coins. I've gotten back into trying to collect a few coins for my empty spaces in the collections. But, I've discovered much more thanks to you guys at coin book. Thanks
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - May 11 2014 - 11:51 AM CDT
Hey, thanks for the great coins. I've gotten back into trying to collect a few coins for my empty spaces in the collections. But, I've discovered much more thanks to you guys at coin book. Thanks