Marginman's Feedback Ratings History

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Member Since: Jul 9 2021 02:52 AM CDT
Last Login Activity: Sep 7 2024 06:03 PM CDT
Feedback Rating: 99.18%
eBay Feedback History:
lou50nout    3391eBay feedback star

  Imported eBay Feedback History

eBay username and total ebay feedback count:

lou50nout - 3391eBay feedback star

From: GoMonkey ( 192 ) - November 9 2021 - 03:47 AM CST
Order was cancelled by buyer, bad communication with seller, do not recommend!

Reply by Marginman: Correct, you asked me to cancel your order and I did, so why the "Do Not Recommend" feedback? *******Attention Sellers******* BEWARE of this buyer, he left NEGATIVE feedback because I followed his instructions and cancelled his order. Makes no sense at all.