1288gates's Feedback Ratings History
Imported eBay Feedback History
eBay username and total ebay feedback count:steps3262 - 100
steps3262 - 100
Given To: steve59599 ( 1100 ) - August 1 2017 - 10:57 PM CDT
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: steve59599 ( 1100 ) - July 21 2017 - 01:19 PM CDT
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: steve59599 ( 1100 ) - April 21 2017 - 05:31 AM CDT
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: Jacqueline ( 1 ) - January 13 2017 - 05:19 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: morecoinsnow ( 1 ) - March 22 2016 - 02:23 PM CDT
Excellent communication, valued buyer, highly recommended.
Thank you!
Excellent buyer! Highly recommended!
Thank you very much!
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: lndsafford ( 2 ) - July 10 2015 - 08:47 PM CDT
Excellent buyer, prompt payment, highly recommended. The Sacagawea Dollar will be shipped 07/11/2015 via USPS First Class. thank you!
Highly recommended, excellent buyer, welcome back anytime!
Highly recommended, excellent buyer. Thank you!
Excellent buyer. Welcome back anytime! Thank you!
Given To: nicksam386 ( 40 ) - August 29 2014 - 10:14 AM CDT
Excellent buyer, A+ transaction. highly recommended. Thank you! Sorry for the delay.
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Excellent buyer, prompt payment, highly recommended. Welcome back anytime! Thank you.
Excellent buyer, A+++ transaction,highly recommended. Thank you!
A+ customer. We appreciate your business.Welcome back anytime!
A+ buyer-prompt payment. Thanks for your purchase and prompt payment. Welcome back anytime!
Given To: paradisege ( 2 ) - July 17 2013 - 07:46 PM CDT
Excellent buyer, A++ transaction!Highly recommended. Thank you.
Given To: drewbefort ( 43 ) - April 28 2013 - 09:03 AM CDT
Excellent buyer, prompt payment, highly recommended. A pleasure to do business with you! A++! Thank you.
Failure to pay for purchase...invoice will be cancelled effective 04.27.2013.
Transition A+++++,professional,prompt payments, excellent communication, valued customer, highly recommended. Thank you.
Given To: kleinheidera ( 8 ) - March 19 2013 - 03:52 PM CDT
Five-Star Buyer***** prompt payment, excellent communication, valued customer, highly recommended.
Given To: kleinheidera ( 8 ) - March 19 2013 - 03:43 PM CDT
It was a pleasure doing business with you. Five-Star Buyer***** an asset to USACoinBook, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended.
Five-star transition***** prompt payment,professional, valued customer, highly recommended. It was a pleasure doing business with you. Thank you!