DKH75's Feedback Ratings History

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Member Since: Oct 18 2023 04:48 PM CDT
Last Login Activity: Oct 25 2023 05:18 AM CDT

Positive 3As Buyer 3Given to Others 3
Given To: mMm1901 ( 4243 ) - October 18 2023 - 05:07 PM CDT
The coins are beautiful, now I have a complete set of uncirculated coins.
Given To: mMm1901 ( 4243 ) - October 18 2023 - 05:07 PM CDT
The coins are beautiful, now I have a complete set of uncirculated coins.
Given To: mMm1901 ( 4243 ) - October 18 2023 - 05:07 PM CDT
The coins are beautiful, now I have a complete set of uncirculated coins.

Reply by mMm1901: Great! Thank you!