DWirt1954's Feedback Ratings History
Good coins, Thank you. Recieved 03/21/2021
Reply by pchuck: Thanks for the feedback.
Given To: coinsbytom ( 1250 ) - March 16 2021 - 04:53 PM CDT
Good coin, Thank you. Recieved 03/21/2021
Great coin, Thank you. Recieved 03/21/2021
good coin, thank you. Recieved 03/22/2021
Given To: OLDIES4SALE2007 ( 5404 ) - March 16 2021 - 04:37 PM CDT
Great Tokens and coins, Thank you. Recieved 03/22/2021
Given To: OLDIES4SALE2007 ( 5404 ) - March 16 2021 - 04:37 PM CDT
Great Tokens and coins, Thank you. Recieved 03/22/2021
Given To: OLDIES4SALE2007 ( 5404 ) - March 16 2021 - 04:37 PM CDT
Great Tokens and coins, Thank you. Recieved 03/22/2021
Great mint set, Thank you. Recieved 02/12/21
Given To: fiveocoinco ( 4236 ) - January 13 2021 - 04:25 PM CST
Great coins. Received on 20 January 2021. Mahalo. Hope you stay healthy and find more Trade dollars at the swap
Great coin . Received on January 20, 2021. Thank you
Great coin, received on 20 January 2021. Thank you.
Great coins, Thank you . Received on 18 Jan 2021
Great coins, Thank you . Received on 18 Jan 2021
Great coins, Thank you . Received on 18 Jan 2021
Great coins, Thank you . Received on 18 Jan 2021
Given To: atchisonbj ( 9992 ) - December 7 2020 - 04:40 PM CST
Great coin, Thank you. received 12/11/2020