DavidRitchie's Feedback Ratings History

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Member Since: Jun 19 2017 10:55 AM CDT
Last Login Activity: Jul 7 2017 02:32 PM CDT

Positive 1As Buyer 1Given to Others 1
Given To: lanceking ( 3227 ) - June 19 2017 - 11:06 AM CDT
Lance was prompt in answering my questions (this was my first buy on USACoinbook) and got the coin out promptly. It was a good looking coin that looked like an AU-50 or better. So, I'd buy again from him.

Reply by lanceking: Hi David no junk on this site.people are paying the same prices for junk. You got a nice coin and I apreciate the positive feedback. Wasn't the coin a lot nicer than the images? Lance