Trod164's Feedback Ratings History

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Member Since: Jun 23 2024 11:52 AM CDT
Last Login Activity: Sep 15 2024 04:49 PM CDT

Positive 8As Buyer 8Given to Others 9
Given To: Falcon ( 4203 ) - July 25 2024 - 01:04 PM CDT
Will never hesitate to buy from this dealer
Given To: Falcon ( 4203 ) - July 25 2024 - 01:04 PM CDT
Will never hesitate to buy from this dealer
Given To: Nashuacoins ( 345 ) - July 19 2024 - 08:07 AM CDT
Very happy with the coin. Smooth transaction as has been my experience with Nashuacoins on other purchases. Timely delivery. No hesitation whatsoever to buy coins from this dealer

Reply by Nashuacoins: Great Buyer!
Given To: Falcon ( 4203 ) - July 19 2024 - 07:43 AM CDT
Nice coin at a reasonable price and delivered very quickly.
Given To: TylerCoinCo2019 ( 162 ) - July 2 2024 - 06:39 AM CDT
As in other purchases, coin and shipping are excellent
Given To: TylerCoinCo2019 ( 162 ) - July 2 2024 - 06:39 AM CDT
As in other purchases, coin and shipping are excellent
Given To: Nashuacoins ( 345 ) - June 29 2024 - 10:02 AM CDT
Coin as advertised

Reply by Nashuacoins: Great Buyer!
Given To: tab20 ( 47 ) - June 25 2024 - 01:57 PM CDT
Great coin as advertised. Had a question after purchase and promptly received an answer. Received the coin in a timely manner. Recommend this seller
Given To: TylerCoinCo2019 ( 162 ) - June 23 2024 - 06:43 PM CDT
Coin as presented and I am happy with it. Also delivered in timely manner. Looking to purchase other coin’s from this dealer.