Washington13's Feedback Ratings History
Given To: ValuedChange ( 759 ) - February 23 2021 - 05:44 AM CST
Given To: HarrysStuff ( 9012 ) - February 23 2021 - 04:26 AM CST
Reply by HarrysStuff: I appreciate your business. Thanks.
Given To: fiveocoinco ( 4224 ) - February 16 2021 - 10:48 AM CST
Thankyou ,Washington13
Thankyou ,Your good people,Washington13
Your the only Wizarrd I know ,please put Wizard spells silver ,gold & bit coin on the rise thankyou, Washington 13
Given To: leverguy93 ( 122 ) - February 8 2021 - 08:49 AM CST
Thankyou & have a good one,Jim
Given To: HarrysStuff ( 9012 ) - February 6 2021 - 04:51 PM CST
Thankyou nice coins,Washington13
Reply by HarrysStuff: Your business is always appreciated.
Given To: HarrysStuff ( 9012 ) - February 6 2021 - 04:51 PM CST
Thankyou nice coins,Washington13
Reply by HarrysStuff: I am glad you like the coins.
Thankyou nice coin ,Washington 13
Reply by dexdav: You are welcome. I hope you enjoy it for a long time.
Given To: JimCoins1492 ( 103 ) - February 6 2021 - 04:17 PM CST
Nice coin thanks,Washington13
Given To: paladincoins ( 2984 ) - February 6 2021 - 03:57 PM CST
Thankyou nice coins,Washington13
Given To: paladincoins ( 2984 ) - February 6 2021 - 03:57 PM CST
Thankyou nice coins,Washington13
Given To: paladincoins ( 2984 ) - February 6 2021 - 03:57 PM CST
Thankyou nice coins,Washington13
Given To: paladincoins ( 2984 ) - February 6 2021 - 03:57 PM CST
Thankyou nice coins,Washington13
Given To: bdemars-coin-store ( 1573 ) - February 2 2021 - 01:25 PM CST
Thankyou Jim
Given To: mafitzwater ( 1273 ) - February 2 2021 - 01:16 PM CST
Thankyou Jim
Reply by mafitzwater: Thank you for your orders!! I will always do my very best for my customers.
Given To: mafitzwater ( 1273 ) - February 2 2021 - 01:16 PM CST
Thankyou Jim
Reply by mafitzwater: Thank you for your orders!! I will always do my very best for my customers.
Thankyou & was a positive transaction, Jim
Thankyou & was a positive transaction, Jim