daustin25's Feedback Ratings History

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Member Since: Nov 19 2016 09:23 PM CST
Last Login Activity: Nov 29 2016 02:27 AM CST

Positive 3As Buyer 3Given to Others 3
Given To: lanceking ( 3227 ) - November 24 2016 - 08:50 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
Given To: SmithsCoins ( 1890 ) - November 19 2016 - 09:42 PM CST
Hello there. I recently bought a coin from you and I wanted to say thank you for getting it to me as soon as you did. I only had to wait 2 days! It is an amazing coin and you seen like a trusted dealer that I will continue to buy from. I have seen some other coins you have for sale that I am very interested in as well. Thanks again and Happy Holidays!!

Reply by SmithsCoins: We are so glad to hear that you had a smooth transaction with us and are very happy with your purchase. We look forward to assisting you with your collecting needs in the future!
Given To: bdemars-coin-store ( 1544 ) - November 19 2016 - 09:35 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.