peeweesfriend's Feedback Ratings History

Given To: reksplace36 ( 240 ) - December 20 2015 - 10:56 PM CST
Got the coin (?), it looks great ! Thanks...........peeweefriend
Given To: numismaticsource ( 2089 ) - December 20 2015 - 09:58 PM CST
Got the 1863 indian,it looks great. Thanks...........peeweesfriend

Reply by numismaticsource: Thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated!
Given To: atchisonbj ( 10079 ) - December 20 2015 - 09:36 PM CST
Got the 1909 ,you lied it looks better than what you said .I`m very happy, thanks ...........peeweesfriend
Given To: genocoins ( 446 ) - December 17 2015 - 04:43 PM CST
Got the 55 looks great. I had one of these when I was a kid (libi) Thanks...........peeweesfriend
Given To: phil3175 ( 5179 ) - December 6 2015 - 09:10 PM CST
Hi got the coins,100%. Thank you............peeweesfriend
Given To: 1028kenj ( 4180 ) - December 6 2015 - 03:24 PM CST
Hi ken, I got the nazi coin , Thanks,now I need a war time Italian and French coin and any other countries that were involved in WW2.Thanks again100% as always...........peeweesfriend. Do they still have the Taco John`s In your town?
Given To: phil3175 ( 5179 ) - December 5 2015 - 09:41 PM CST
hi, got the shilling,100%as always. Thanks again.................peeweesfriend
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - December 4 2015 - 12:59 PM CST
Hi, got the Kennedy half. The boarder on the front is a lot larger than the on the back.100% satisified thanks...peeweesfriend
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - December 3 2015 - 09:27 PM CST
100% thanks for the nice coin................peeweesfriend
Given To: Greenfield ( 3479 ) - December 3 2015 - 09:22 PM CST
100%, thanks for the nice old coin......peeweesfriend
Given To: numismaticsource ( 2089 ) - December 3 2015 - 09:06 PM CST
Hi ,I always like error coins. Thanks........peeweesfriend

Reply by numismaticsource: Thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated.
Given To: numismaticsource ( 2089 ) - December 3 2015 - 09:03 PM CST
Hi, another error coin another happy moment,Thanks.......peeweesfriend.

Reply by numismaticsource: Thank you for your business. It is greatly appreciated.
Given To: 1028kenj ( 4180 ) - November 21 2015 - 09:32 PM CST
Got the coin 100%. Nice all around coin, thanks........peeweesfriend.
Given To: fiveocoinco ( 4267 ) - November 21 2015 - 09:04 PM CST
Got the coins,100%. Very interesting,thanks........peeweesfriend.
Given To: 1909S ( 4157 ) - November 19 2015 - 04:34 PM CST
Great coin, 100% much better than I thought it would be .Thanks.....peeweesfriend.
Given To: genocoins ( 446 ) - November 10 2015 - 03:35 PM CST
Got the 55s yesterday,they look good, Thank you...............peeweesfriend
Given To: 1028kenj ( 4180 ) - November 7 2015 - 08:50 PM CST
Ken, got the Ike dollar today,thank you.............peeweesfriend
Given To: kenb63 ( 6280 ) - November 7 2015 - 07:20 PM CST
Thought I left feedback,oh well,I`m happy with the big penny. Thank you............peeweesfriend.

Reply by kenb63: Glad your happy with it. Thanks for leaving feedback and thanks for your business. Excellent buyer AAAAA+++++
Given To: twinbabydaddy ( 111 ) - November 3 2015 - 10:30 PM CST
The 24 d arrived today. I'm very happy withit. Thank you.........peeweesfriend
Given To: edduns ( 1517 ) - October 26 2015 - 08:46 PM CDT
Ed, got the coin , it's great thanks, peeweesfriend
Given To: twinbabydaddy ( 111 ) - October 26 2015 - 08:30 PM CDT
Got thecoin, it's great ,thanks great.........peeweesfriend
Given To: 1028kenj ( 4180 ) - October 26 2015 - 07:58 PM CDT
Ken, another sweet coin, thanks.........peeweesfriend

Reply by 1028kenj: one of my best customers!!!
Given To: edduns ( 1517 ) - October 26 2015 - 07:56 PM CDT
Ed, another great coin,thanks.........peeweesfriend
Given To: david68047167 ( 12880 ) - October 26 2015 - 07:47 PM CDT
David,got the coin,it's great, thanks.........Peewee friend.
Given To: 1028kenj ( 4180 ) - October 24 2015 - 10:24 AM CDT
Ken,nice coin again,thsnks.......peeweesfriend

Reply by 1028kenj: one of my best customers!!!