savage101's Feedback Ratings History

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Member Since: Apr 21 2013 08:54 PM CDT
Last Login Activity: May 22 2013 06:10 PM CDT

Positive 2As Buyer 2Given to Others 2
Given To: Chadlaplante17 ( 1 ) - April 21 2013 - 09:18 PM CDT
I made payment and never received coin. I emailed chadlaplante several times and no respond. I have emailed USA also still no respond. Now tring to get the money back but can not get any help from USA coin. Be careful when using USA coin.
Given To: Bruce ( 9147 ) - April 21 2013 - 09:05 PM CDT
very good coin delivery, very fast, price very good. I trust Bruce with price,grading,dilevery. A good person to shop for good coins.