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Member Since: Jun 4 2024 07:07 PM CDT
Last Login Activity: Jul 28 2024 07:34 PM CDT

Positive 5As Buyer 5Given to Others 5
From: AZATTIC4U ( 951 ) - June 11 2024 - 11:34 PM CDT
Hello and Thanks for your Purchase ! I greatly appreciarted it and I am hoping that you will come back soon. There are many great items available and as I have mentioned before the more items that yoiu can buy at any 1 time the more I can attempt to save you ! The Graded Lincoln Cents have some great values available and there will be more added in about 2 weeks along with some deals to be had if you have an interest in Graded Jefferson Nickles ! Thanks Again, Joe
From: AZATTIC4U ( 951 ) - June 11 2024 - 11:34 PM CDT
Hello and Thanks for your Purchase ! I greatly appreciarted it and I am hoping that you will come back soon. There are many great items available and as I have mentioned before the more items that yoiu can buy at any 1 time the more I can attempt to save you ! The Graded Lincoln Cents have some great values available and there will be more added in about 2 weeks along with some deals to be had if you have an interest in Graded Jefferson Nickles ! Thanks Again, Joe
From: AZATTIC4U ( 951 ) - June 4 2024 - 07:23 PM CDT
Hello and Thanks for your Purchase ! It is greatly appreciarted and I am hoping that you will come back soon. There are many great items available and as I have mentioned before the more items that yoiu can buy at any 1 time the more I can attempt to save you ! The Graded Lincoln Cents have some great values available and there will be more added in about 2 weeks along with some deals to be had if you have an interest in Graded Jefferson Nickles ! Thanks Again, Joe
From: AZATTIC4U ( 951 ) - June 4 2024 - 07:23 PM CDT
Hello and Thanks for your Purchase ! It is greatly appreciarted and I am hoping that you will come back soon. There are many great items available and as I have mentioned before the more items that yoiu can buy at any 1 time the more I can attempt to save you ! The Graded Lincoln Cents have some great values available and there will be more added in about 2 weeks along with some deals to be had if you have an interest in Graded Jefferson Nickles ! Thanks Again, Joe
From: AZATTIC4U ( 951 ) - June 4 2024 - 07:23 PM CDT
Hello and Thanks for your Purchase ! It is greatly appreciarted and I am hoping that you will come back soon. There are many great items available and as I have mentioned before the more items that yoiu can buy at any 1 time the more I can attempt to save you ! The Graded Lincoln Cents have some great values available and there will be more added in about 2 weeks along with some deals to be had if you have an interest in Graded Jefferson Nickles ! Thanks Again, Joe