Former VAM-5B, Discovered by Michael Ash October 2005. Re-classified to VAM-5D 2015 by Nate Mailliard
5D III22 · C3d (Doubled Date, CC/CC, Clashed Die Break Cap) (178) I-3 R-6
Obverse III22- Multiple die clashes with three bold diagonal clash lines from neck and, on LDS specimens,die break rear of Phrygian cap below ribbon. Clashed n and st erased by multiple die clashes and die wear.
1. VAM 5 dies are believed to have the 1883-CC VAM-5A wing scratch in all stages. These dies were clashed and repolished several times. There are two stages of the VAM-5A. One has the N clash clearly visible. The other has the prominent 'starburst' patterns at both wing tips(this was the original version of VAM-5A before the clash was listed. The polished version of the VAM 5A (no letter transfer) is the VAM 5B, and before the VAMs 5C and 5D in the sequence.
2. VAM-5 STAGES (5 --> 5A --> 5B --> 5C --> 5D)