1893 Columbian Exhibition Half Dollar1893 Columbian Exhibition Half Dollar

1893 Columbian Exhibition Half Dollar

Lot 581

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Item Description

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The first true commemoratives struck by the United States Mint were the 1892 and 1893 Columbian Exposition half dollars. The coins were to be sold at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The Exposition was originally scheduled to be held in 1892, but was postponed until 1893, hence the Exposition half dollars were struck in two different years. The event commemorated was of course Christopher Columbus' "discovery" of America in 1492.

The "souvenir coins," as they were called at the time, attracted a lot of attention from the public and the original mintages were huge compared to subsequent commemorative issues, 950,00 coins for the 1892 and 1,550,405 for the 1893. The initial sales price was $1 per coin, a figure that drew much criticism at the time, but nonetheless a great many were sold to the public at the Columbian Exposition.

Because they were widely distributed to the non-collecting public, many Columbian half dollars were not very well cared for.

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Seller Location: Georgia, United States
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