(Stock #50c1915104 QYMDAKG QYKVdPHZ)
Shipping / Handling Cost | Cost For Each Additional Item | Service |
$0.00 - Free Shipping | $0.00 | Economy Shipping (1 to 10 business days) |
All Domestic Orders (inside the U.S.A.): All items are sent as "Economy Shipping" and usually in a white envelope sealed with shipping tape unless the total invoice exceeds $100 in value which is a high ticket order. All high ticket orders are mailed as a "package" (even if it is one or a few coins in a white envelope or yellow bubble pad) and these with have a postal tracking number. If you want a tracking number for a package less than $100.00 in value you will have to send an extra $5.00 for postal tracking.
All International Orders (outside the U.S.A. including CANADA & MEXICO): All items will be sent as FIRST CLASS MAIL INTERNATIONAL. After your order you will be advised of any surcharge for international shipping on your order. I can mail up to twenty coins in one large yellow bubble pad at Cost *1.044. If I need the surcharge I will advise you of the estimated amount which will be the difference between International & Domestic (inside the U.S.A.) postage. Note that postal tracking numbers are NOT available for international orders.