3 sealed 1956 P proof sets: sealed plastic w treasury seal and env US Treasury i3 sealed 1956 P proof sets: sealed plastic w treasury seal and env US Treasury i

3 sealed 1956 P proof sets: sealed plastic w treasury seal and env US Treasury i

3 sets - one has damaged envelop, all are sealed in orig plastic see photo

Listing Type:
This item is Cataloged Online in my Personal Coin Collection
Certified by:
US Mint
Condition or Grade of Item:
Sealed in US Treasury original plastic
Visitor Count:
Member Information: Mahow89 (0)
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Item Description

USA Coin Book Item ID Number:
Coin Condition:
Sealed in US Treasury original plastic
Certified By:
US Mint

These were handed down to me and are fom my Dad's personal collection.

He became a coin collector while in the Air Force and would take me and my baby sister to various coin shows while growing up. We collected some on our own but never had the knowledge he did. So while her and I would base our preferences on what was shiny or pretty that would soon prove our coin collecting abilities as less than stellar.

These were from his most personal favorites and he added to them with each of our birth years and other significant events or preference. I have 20 in total which he acquired direct from the Us Treasury or at coin shows in the early 1970s. Dates are 1953-1964. Some have notes which i have noted in specific listing where applicable.

I have left them as they were stored - unopened and untampered with (none of the plastic packs have been opened ever and some of the envelops were still sealed). If the envelop is still sealed it will be noted as such. One is missing the envelop (1958) and one envelop is damaged (1956).

These are 1956 P proofs (3)