Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!

Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!

Original BU Roll

Listing Type:
This item is Cataloged Online in my Personal Coin Collection
Certified by:
Raw / Unspecified
Condition or Grade of Item:
BU / Uncirculated
Visitor Count:
Member Information: JimmyPageIsGreat (155)
Positive Feedback: 100.00%
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Item Description

USA Coin Book Item ID Number:
Coin Condition:
BU / Uncirculated
Certified By:
Raw / Unspecified

Original BU Uncirculated Roll 40 Coins 1942 Silver Washington Quarters Scarce!

Very nice, full original BU Roll of 40 Coins: 1942 Philadelphia Mint issue Washington Quarters. 

Scarcer early date not seen as often as the mid to late 1940s Philadelphia rolls.

All coins are Philadelphia mint issues with mostly brilliant, frosty and blazing with full cartwheel luster. 


 I have been studying, collecting, buying and selling bank wrapped rolls and tubed original rolls of pre-1964 quarters, dimes and half dollars and pre-1980 pennies and nickels for over 25 years. While spotting is common and often plague and are typical with original silver, pre-1964 Washington Quarter BU rolls, this roll has very little spotting and is on the higher quality side of rolls I have handled.

PSA regarding Uncirculated Rolls and "Original" Rolls, and Original Bank Wrapped Rolls:

1. Original Bank Wrapped Rolls (this roll is not bank wrapped obviously), from the era of the late 1940s through the 1970s were not always "tightly wrapped". In fact, most of the time they weren't. This was due to the fact technology wasn't the same as it is post 1980 and the fact the wrapping of rolls was simply a means to count and transport coin. There was never an intent that they might be valuable 50+ years later and were done strictly for commerce

2. Anyone telling describing a bank wrapped roll as "never opened" is lying. We can assume they havent been opened but unless one owner had in his/her possession that roll from the time if left the Fed or wrapping facility, no one can make this declaration. It is simply not possible to know if the roll inside was rewrapped via a crimping machine or was carefully done by hand. Period.

3. Anyone claiming their unopened roll contains "Choice to Gem BU coins" is lying. If the roll hasn't been opened, how can anyone state the coins as being "GEM"?

4. Anyone who describes the majority of their rolls or raw coins as GEM is lying, or just an over grader. GEM's are rare or they wouldn't be a gem. The average bank wrapped roll of uncirculated coin will contain mostly MS60-63 quality coinage. There could be some high end AU coins and there could be a few gems. They were often put through counting machines and in general, not handled carefully. 

5. There is plenty of reference material available both online and via published books, magazines and articles on this topic. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the history.

6. A "Tight" roll doesn't always mean better chance of being "original" or unopened (see #1 above).

7. It is virtually impossible to make the declaration a roll is original or a bank wrapped roll is original. I have already pointed out that is impossible to declare with certainty if it has or hasn't been opened. What we can look for is evidence that it is or is not original or that it has or has not been opened. We can check the paper to make sure it matches the generation, look for aging, that is the paper has patina and has aged, faded words and writing, wrinkles worn into the fabric of the paper, the thickness of the stock of the paper, and myriad other clues that would tip the scale as to being likely to be original or likely it is not; or that it is more likely than not never been opened. If the roll is 60-70 years old, the ink should be very faded; there should be creases and the paper stock itself should be soft. If it is crisp, it is definitely NOT original. If it is a tubed roll, the edges of the coins shopuld "match" as should the overall toning and patina of the coins. If after checking all the things we can look for we determine nothing seems out of place, then there is a very good chance the roll is original. We can not declare with certainty a roll is 100% original or 100% has not been opened. We can only declare with certainty if it is NOT ORIGINAL, or that it has most likely been opened if any of those clues lead us to that conclusion.


If you have any questions, please let me know.