Seller Location: Annandale, Virginia, 22003, United States
Seller IP Address: - United States
Shipping services available:
Shipping / Handling Cost | Service |
$1.19 |
Economy Shipping (1 to 10 business days) |
$5.00 |
USPS Ground Advantage (2 to 5 business days) |
Seller Shipping Rules: For each and every item listing in shopping cart, full shipping rate for that item is applied and then the additional item shipping rate is applied for additional items of the same listing. Shipping Restrictions - Shipping is not available to the following regions/countries:United States: APO/FPO
Africa: All Nations
Europe: All Nations
Oceania: All Nations
Southeast Asia: All Nations
Central America and Caribbean: All Nations
South America: All Nations
Asia: Korea, South, Bangladesh, Russia, Azerbaijan, India, Turkmenistan, Japan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Korea, North, Kyrgyzstan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, British Indian Ocean Territory, Tajikistan, Nepal, Mongolia, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, China
Middle East: Iran, Islamic Republic of, Syrian Arab Republic
North America: Mexico, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Greenland, Bermuda
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