tipsico's 1875 CC Trade Dollars : Type 1 Reverse

Early Silver Dollars

Mintage: 1,573,700
Minted at: Carson City

Designer - Engraver: William Barber
Metal Composition: 90% Silver - 10% Copper

Diameter: 38.1 mm
Mass / Weight: 27.22 grams

What this coin looks like (obverse, reverse, mint mark location, special features, etc.):
1875 CC Type 1 Trade Silver Dollar

One major variety of the 1875 CC Trade Silver Dollar features the Type 1 (Type One or Type I) Reverse.

The Type 1 reverse was the earlier design used on Trade Dollars minted from 1873 through 1874 and some of them from 1875 through 1876. This design features an extra berry on a branch under the eagle claw on the right side of the portrait. In addition: The bottom-most arrowhead tip ends just above the "0" in the words/numbers "420 GRAINS".

The Type 2 Reverse is a newer design used on some Trade dollars in 1875-1876 and on all Trade dollars starting in 1877 and onwards. This design is missing the berry under the eagle claw and the bottom-most arrowhead tip ends just above the "2" in "420". These features are depicted below. The difference between the 1875 Type 1 Reverse vs Type 1 Reveres Trade Dollar is depicted below in the example comparison image:

1875 Type 1 Reverse vs Type 2 Reverse Trade Silver Dollar - Difference and Comparison

Coin valuation chart: Typical coin prices, values and worth per grade or condition - in USD
Very Good
Very Fine
Extremely Fine
About Uncirculated

MELT VALUE: $25.57

(Only listing items in tipsico's Coinbook below)

For Sale 1

1 items found

Seller: tipsico
Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified