What this coin looks like (obverse, reverse, mint mark location, special features, etc.):
There were a few major varieties of the 1835 Coronet Head Large Cent. Two of them deal with combinations of the size of the "8" in the 1835 date and the size of the stars on the obverse. Depicted above is an example comparison image depicting the differences between the large "8" vs small "8". The large "8" is taller and larger relative to "3" while the small "8" is even in size relative to the "3" in the 1835 date as depicted above.
Large Stars vs Small Stars on the obverse of the coin - Some coins will feature larger stars and others will features smaller stars. The differences between them are shown below:
Another major variety deals with the portrait of the lady liberty on the obverse of the coin. This variety (Head of 1836) features the newer 1836 design in which the liberty has a longer jaw line and the neck is pushed back further when compared to the 1835 head of liberty. In addition: The intersection of the hairline and the "LIBERTY" crown on the 1836 head is pushed further back. These features and the differences between the Head of 1836 vs Head of 1835 portraits are depicted below in the example comparison image of the two coins: