I have been on eBay for 12+ years as a Buyer and Seller and have had a rating of 100 % for every minute of that time.
I have been on eBid.com for 13 months and have had a rating of 100 % there also. It is much friendlier than eBay and Honest.
I mostly purchase coins and when I do it is only to UP-Grade my Own collections . Then I sell the coins that I no longer need.
I do NOT lie or Cheat anybody and I would hope that people treat me the same way.
I am a member of Masonic Lodge, Horseheads-Old Oak# 364 , Horseheads . I was Master of my Lodge in 1980.
I am a member of the Rotary Club of Amesbury , Mass. and have perfect attendance and I live by the Four Way Test !
I am married,have 4 children and 6 wonderful Grand Children and I have been to Kenya Africa 12 times . Ask me ?