ValuablesAS's Profile Page

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Member Since: Aug 1 2024 07:38 PM CDT
Last Login Activity: Aug 8 2024 07:53 PM CDT

eBay Feedback History:
f.u.l.l.h.o.u.s.e    145eBay feedback star

About Me:

Hi, my name is Danny. I'm 50 years old, married (28 years, and the father of two grown daughters.

For the past 15 years I enjoyed conducting estate sales through my previous company called Full House Liquidation, so customer service has always been a priority.


I now own a new company called Valuables Appraisal Service, helping clients understand Fair Market Value, and offering multiple services including certified written personal-property appraisals, as well as selling valuables for clients on commission.


I've spent the last 15 years selling everything from luxury items, to antique, mid-century, modern, and even unusual items. I strive to be detailed and make sure that buyers are completely satisfied, even when it comes to the details of shipping their items.