Hi There!
Concerning Coins, {I do have other interests & collections}
I Love my error coins!! [Not sure the family does, though] And have quite a few! It does cost me quite a bit of my
undivided attention, which seems to be worth it, in the long run.
I started collecting years ago, bought the BEST hoard in 1990, from a gentleman of almost 90 yr.s old, [his collecting started @ 9 yr.s of age], only to have them & what others I had acquired, stolen in 2000!!!
Took me sev. yr.s to get back into it, I was devastated from the loss of 3 fantasy coins & almost mint coins that were way before my time! Lol, now, the family rolls their eyes & goes the other way when I'm deep in the abyss of those little
monetary units they'd love to spend on candy or whatevers!!
I have built my collection up to around 8 binders...full, one is even foreign coins, which I had no interest of until one young grandson decided he'd try collecting. I really am not very knowledgeable there, yet.
I now have more than enough duplicates to try & sell, trade, or put away for later reasons....but I'd REALLY like to
start investigating into the errors I have, just to see if maybe one will get me away to an island for a month...could use
some downtime & rewarding for my diligent efforts!! [couldn't we all!?!]
Thanks for checking...might not be the profile you expected, but I at least added one! Just me.
{Now I'm off to look for Morels & trip over any relics of yesteryear!!}
Kat~ (a.k.a. astralea1692 & M.K.Redman)