kenb63's Profile Page

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Member Since: May 17 2015 01:04 PM CDT
Last Login Activity: Mar 27 2025 09:24 PM CDT
Feedback Rating: 100.00%
eBay Feedback History:
kenbull9    2922eBay feedback star

About Me:

My name is Ken and I have been coin collecting for over 50 years. I only started selling about 9 years ago. I have more than 2600 positive feedbacks on ebay. I have no neutral or negative feedbacks 100% positive. I have been selling on ebay for almost 9 years and have an excellent reputation as a Top Rated Seller.

I am trying out this site to see if it works better for me as far as economics. I am satisfied with ebay except for the high cost for selling on their site. Please be assured that I will do my very best to make each customer a happy customer. I ship very quickly, usually the next day. My items will be shipped by USPS first class mail in the most economical way.

I try to give my honest opinion of all coins, but I am not an expert at grading. I always supply good photos of the obverse and reverse sides of each coin. Give me a chance to prove my self and you will not be disappointed.

*Note: I am human and subject to making a mistake occasionally.