first off, I would like to move a large portion of what I sell to USA Coin Book from Ebay!
I originally started selling comics on Amazon... that was to expensive for my tastes. so I started motioning towards Ebay where I have been for years, and still station today. Then I found USA Coin Book...! this place impressed me for coin selling. Price guides, Anti-scam community and active website support with that.
When I started selling comics I was prime cut noob. Wasting money on what I thought to be valueable comics. Turns out, like coins, old means 5%, rarity 65%, grade 30%..... eerrrr, you get it I hope. I bought the books on comics; Price Guide and 'Overstreet Grading Guide'. After some practice, I knew some key, semi-key comics to look out for. I also started grading my own comics. I joined CGC! I started grading comics and submitting them to compare what I think I knew, to what they did know. I was able to equal (+/-0.5) their grades. The Overstreet Grading guide started to give me doubts. I couldn't believe, after a closer look, they graded a perfect 10.0 on a comic they were pointing a tiny defect out on. WHAT?!?!?! I sold that book and never looked back on that silver??? cool.......
I actually have money and I can afford to buy silver ($32/oz) at the time........... to be continued